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No Woman No Cry Meaning

Song Meaning No Woman No cry is a love song written in a first person narrative from man who is offering hope and reassurance to his woman as they struggle to make ends meet while living in extreme poverty. The lyrics make specific references to Jamaican life and culture which make it much more than a love song to Jamaican audiences, but also a nostalgic anthem that many, if not most, Jamaicans can relate to. Many close to Marley believe the song is based on Bob Marley's relationship with his wife, Rita. The song makes specific references to their life together in the impoverished neighborhood of Trench Town, in Kingston, Jamaica. Bob and Rita endured hard times in their early years together before Marley had any major success. Bob often traveled to make a living which caused Rita the pain of being without her husband. Misinterpretation Outside of Jamaica the meaning of "No Woman, No Cry" is often misunderstood to be about negative feelings towards women. Sometim

Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) by Eurythmics

Song Meaning Annie Lennox and Dave Stewart wrote the song shorty after the break up of the previous band they were in called The Tourists. Lennox says the lyrics are about the sad time after the band broke up when she felt they were "in a dream world" and the dreams they had been chasing were never going to happen. She described the meaning of the song as "Look at the state of us. How can it get worse?" and she went on to explain "I was feeling very vulnerable. The song was an expression of how I felt: hopeless and nihilistic." However, Stewart felt the lyrics were too depressing and added the line "hold your head up, moving on" to give the song some feeling of hope. Lennox commented that the lines "Some of them want to use you … some of them want to be abused" are interpreted to be "about sex or S&M, and it’s not about that at all."